2024-10-14 | Cleanup Obsidian Attachments Directory |
2024-07-05 | Generating Placeholder Docstrings Using The ast Python Package |
2024-01-13 | Generate Obsidan Page From Browser Bookmarks |
2021-06-12 | Fetching Stock Symbols |
2020-09-27 | Apache NiFi in a Container With X.509 Certificate Authentication |
2020-09-12 | Using direnv To Customize Your Environment Per Directory |
2020-08-27 | Using KeyBase To Generate Secure IAM User Passwords With Terraform |
2020-08-23 | How Can I Get More Detail About Connection Refused Message In Ingress Nginx Controller Pod? |
2020-08-22 | Add OIDC Using KeyCloak To Kubernetes For User-based Authentication |
2020-07-26 | Use Kubernetes init container to Git Clone and provide mounted directory |
2020-07-26 | How To Add AWS Encryption Provider To KubeSpray-based Kubernetes Cluster |
2020-07-11 | Remediations For kube-bench Findings |
2020-07-09 | Run KubeBench on KubeSpray Cluster |
2020-06-28 | Provision CentOS-based Kubernetes Cluster On AWS With KubeSpray |
2020-06-25 | Running MindPoint Group RHEL7 STIG On Centos |
2020-06-20 | Running OPENSCAP (OSCAP) on Fedora CoreOS |
2020-06-12 | Add AWS SSM Agent on Fedora CoreOS |
2020-06-11 | Using Eureka REST API For Python Service |
2020-03-24 | Using Boto3 To Create NS Hosted Zone Record Set |
2018-10-15 | Provisioning SonarQube With CloudFormation |
2018-05-21 | OpenShift (with Docker) on Centos 7 inside Virtualbox |
2018-03-15 | Simple Template Example for Go |
2018-03-07 | Environment Variables Available In AWS Lambda Go |
2018-02-15 | python wtforms - handling dynamic fields |
2017-10-14 | Goodreads - Using Python To List To Read Shelf |
2017-09-03 | List Deleteable Security Groups |
2017-04-14 | Unable to Connect with AWS Managed Elasticseach - SOLVED |
2017-02-05 | From the past, Version Control and XML Documents |
2016-12-10 | Running Shibboleth IDP on hyper.sh |
2016-11-30 | Using hyper.sh for software development |
2016-11-29 | Running web server for one dollar a month |
2016-08-20 | Running PostgreSQL on Docker Swarm 1.12 |
2016-08-19 | Docker Swarm 1.12 on VirtualBox |
2016-08-14 | Docker Notes |
2016-08-09 | Go Computer Langauge |
2016-08-09 | CKAN - Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network |
2016-08-08 | NATS Messaging |
2016-08-07 | From BASH, how to write to a file inside a Docker Volume |
2016-07-30 | Laravel 'Class log does not exist' RESOLVED |
2016-07-19 | How I Got Hashicorp Vault to Run on Raspberry PI |
2016-07-17 | Docker Swarm 1.12 on PicoCluster |
2016-07-05 | How I Got Apache Spark to Sort Of (Not Really) Work on my PicoCluster of 5 Raspberry PI |
2016-06-25 | How I got Docker Swarm to Run on a Raspberry PI PicoCluster with Consul |
2016-06-22 | How I attached a USB Thumb drive to my Raspberry PI and used it to hold Docker's Root Directory! |
2016-06-21 | How Did I prepare My PicoCluster For Docker Swarm? |
2015-08-24 | Go Program to Read Docker Image List From Unix Socket (/var/run/docker.sock) |
2015-04-24 | Running the NodeJS Example Inside Docker Container |
2015-04-23 | Running NodeJS (and related tools) from a Docker container. |
2015-04-20 | Running Spring Boot inside Docker |
2015-04-20 | Running Maven inside Docker. |
2015-04-15 | Running MySQL on Docker |
2014-11-23 | Using AZUL 7 instead of OpenJDK Java for smaller Docker images. |
2014-11-23 | Is using "lsb_release -cs" a good idea inside a debian:wheezy Dockerfile? |
2014-11-22 | Using Docker to find out what apt-get update does! |
2014-11-12 | Using Docker to Build Brooklyn |
2014-10-31 | Using R to Fetch List of Pokemon Sets. |
2014-10-10 | How do I provide a single file to multiple Docker containers? |
2014-09-29 | Simple Explanation of the MIT D4M Accumulo Schema |
2014-07-15 | Sharing Files Between Docker Images Using Volumes |
2014-07-12 | Running a Single-Node Accumulo Docker container |
2014-07-10 | How find the published port of a Docker container in Java |
2014-07-10 | Finding Log Files Inside Docker Containers |
2014-06-10 | How to Detach From a Running Docker Image |
2014-05-25 | Accumulo BatchScanner With and Without WholeRowIterator |
2014-05-25 | Data Distribution Throughout the Accumulo Cluster |
2014-05-19 | Cardinality Estimation for the D4M Schema in Accumulo |
2014-05-02 | "TDD is Dead" says the creator of Ruby on Rails |
2014-04-23 | How Do I List Octave Packages Available via apt-get? |
2014-04-22 | How to Generate a PGP Key on Headless Unix (also called How to Increase Your Entropy) |
2014-04-17 | Using RMarkdown in an Analysis Archive and Retrieval System |
2014-04-16 | Example of Replacing The Middle of a Time Series in R |
2014-04-04 | Resolving Bad Request In Spring MVC Controller |
2014-02-23 | Writing a nodejs script file |
2013-12-02 | Watching Accumulo Recover From a Killed Master Process In a Multi-Master Configuration. |
2013-11-23 | Reading Accumulo Metadata Table to Learn How Many Entries Are In Each Tablet. |
2013-11-22 | How to Run Accumulo Continuous Testing (well ... some of them) |
2013-11-16 | Using Pig with Accumulo (building on Jason Trost's work) |
2013-11-12 | Using Accumulo Proxy From Python |
2013-11-11 | Watching Accumulo Heal Itself |
2013-10-28 | Vagrant Setup For Three Node Accumulo Cluster |
2013-10-24 | Vagrant - where are ubuntu boxes? |
2013-10-23 | How to Setup Password-less SSH between Vagrant Nodes |
2013-10-14 | What is the default username and password for keystone in OpenStackInstaller? |
2013-10-13 | Getting nova-manage to run in uksysadmin/OpenStackInstaller project. |
2013-09-23 | Technologies Used In Developing Applications Using Apache Accumulo |
2013-05-29 | Using Apache Accumulo as the backing store for Apache Gora - a tutorial |
2013-05-24 | If you use AccumuloRowInputFormat but your job is hung and no scans are running .... you might have forgotten to use values.next(). |
2013-05-23 | Pointer to "Jump Point Search Explained" Page |
2013-05-14 | Understanding Markov Networks |
2013-05-12 | Adding a tee command to Accumulo Shell |
2013-03-31 | Example using Accumulo's RegExFilter class |
2013-03-30 | Testing Your GrepIterator Without Running Accumulo |
2013-03-27 | Running Accumulo Unit Tests On Windows |
2012-12-29 | How To Stop Accumulo Debug Messages From Being Logged |
2012-12-18 | SOLVED: add-apt-repository command not found. |
2012-11-13 | Exampe of Storing User and Friends Information in Accumulo |
2012-11-12 | How Can I Use Reverse Sort On Integer (or Long) Accumulo Keys? |
2012-11-12 | How Can I Use Reverse Sort On Generic Accumulo Keys? |
2012-10-30 | Considerations for a Manual Partitioning Strategy in Accumulo |
2012-10-16 | How Many Accumuo Loggers Are Needed Related To Slaves (tserver) Nodes? |
2012-10-16 | How Does the Accumulo Client Find the Correct Tablet Server? |
2012-10-02 | How To Run Multiple Instances of Accumulo on One Hadoop Cluster |
2012-10-02 | How Accumulo Compresses Keys and Values |
2012-08-28 | Stackscript for Accumulo (on Linode) |
2012-07-23 | Resolving the "Permission Denied" Message On Accumulo Monitor Page |
2012-07-23 | Resolving "./zookeeper.out: Permission denied" error |
2012-07-12 | How I Update To A New Version of Accumulo In Development |
2012-07-07 | Installing Accumulo on Linode |
2012-06-14 | Where Are the XSSF POI Classes? |
2012-06-11 | Accumulo: Where is my instance id? |
2012-04-21 | Implement Word Count in Accumulo |
2012-04-11 | Using Accumulo To Calculate Seven Day Rolling Average |
2012-04-11 | Reading A Row With Accumulo |
2012-01-01 | Thinkering - A new meme for 2012 |
2011-06-17 | Detecting Unsorted Spring Beans |
2011-05-23 | Free-style Paper Roller-coaster at ReverseSpace. |
2011-03-14 | Handmade Hat for Odyessy of the Mind |
2011-01-24 | Running CEPH on 32bit Ubuntu kernal |
2010-09-18 | Active Relation Explained |
2010-09-16 | Tracking RSPEC Test Execution So Debugging Statements Are Segmented |
2010-09-16 | How Do I Expose the Current RSPEC File and Description |
2010-09-12 | Compiling and Running Hadoop WordCount Example in NetBeans |
2010-08-12 | MonoDevelop Rocks! |
2010-07-11 | Using ImageMagick To Create Horizontally Repeating Background Image |
2010-07-01 | Using module_eval to Define Instance Methods in a Ruby Gem to Enable Per-Model Configuration |
2010-06-28 | Alastrina - a gem to push model changes to twitter |
2010-06-21 | Connecting acts_as_solr and cucumber (resolving the whiny_nil error) |
2010-03-22 | Ubuntu and RocketFish RF-FLBTAD bluetooth dongle |
2010-02-09 | Heroku Tip; Use a Ping or Uptime Service As a Cron Job. |
2010-02-09 | Rails Tip - How Do I See Params From My Forms? |
2010-02-08 | Another Fix for EMAIL not authorized to access APP |
2010-02-07 | Using Formtastic Without ActiveRecord |
2010-01-09 | When Coloring Hover Always Using Anchor CSS. |
2009-11-30 | Plug A Security Hole in RubyGems By Mailing Ruby Install Dir ReadOnly! |
2009-11-22 | How to Resolve Heroku's 'not authorized to access newname' Git error. |
2009-11-21 | Scripting the Heroku Push |
2009-10-25 | Most Efficient Food in Cafe World |
2009-10-23 | Forest Options of ps Command |
2009-10-21 | United States' Official Repository of Foreign Place-names (more entity extraction fun) |
2009-10-16 | Names in Non-English Languages (continuing a theme) |
2009-10-12 | Entity Extraction Links (also Named entity recognition) |
2009-04-02 | Installing Ruby and RubyGems On Ubuntu 8.10 |
2009-03-14 | Using Rails Gem to Generate a New Project on Ubuntu |
2009-01-05 | The --include-activation and --aasm parameters of the Restful Authentication Rails Plugin are mutually exclusive |
2009-01-04 | Using the Visualize Models plugin |
2009-01-04 | The Myth of the Hero Programmer |
2009-01-01 | Avoiding the undefined method `use_transactional_fixtures=' error. |
2009-01-01 | Adding RSPEC to a Rails Project |
2008-10-16 | How is a Use Case Different From a User Story? |
2008-10-08 | How do I restore and change gedit key assignments? |
2008-10-05 | RCOV - Covering unit, integration, and functional testing in one analysis. |
2008-09-29 | Advanced Rails Recipes - Chapter Two - The missing copy method. |
2008-07-20 | JBoss Drools CLASSPATH Error; The Eclipse JDT Core jar is not in the classpath |
2008-07-13 | Getting "Client.InvalidKeyPair.NotFound" Error With Selenium Grid |
2008-07-12 | Using Capistrano to Bundle Amazon EC2 Images |
2008-07-10 | Using SCP with Capistrano |
2008-07-09 | Capistrano, ElasticFox & EC2 |
2008-07-06 | Captain Kirk Teaches SCRUM and Agile Development |
2008-06-02 | Getting flickrfs to Work on Ubuntu Heron |
2008-05-04 | Installation and Configuration of LocalSolr. |
2008-04-30 | Struts Error/Exception: No getter method available for property name for bean under name |
2008-04-22 | How to Format Dates in Ruby & Rails |
2008-04-18 | Workaround For Minor Hibernate Bug - Blank hibernate.default_schema Property Adds Period |
2008-04-09 | ActiveRecord Without Rails, Refined |
2008-04-04 | How To Add a Datasource To Tomcat Server.XML File. |
2008-03-27 | How to Display the Current Loadpath In Ruby |
2008-02-03 | Ubuntu Sound not working on HP Pavillion dv9000 Using the ICH8 Family |
2008-02-02 | Failed dependencies Message (glibc, libaio, /bin/sh) Installing Oracle XE on Ubuntu |
2008-01-16 | How To Turn Off the Keyboard Beep in Fedora & Gnome |
2008-01-01 | Set Mode Failed Invalid Argument for Wireless Linux Configuration |
2007-12-03 | Super Simple Embedded Groovy |
2007-11-13 | WARNING: Cound not start ClientFactory - FIXED! |
2007-11-03 | Dynamic Datasource via Spring using HotSwappableTargetSource |
2007-09-18 | Automatic Directory Creation via Spring Application Context File |
2007-09-08 | Extracting Dependancy Lists from Maven POM Files |
2007-08-07 | Super Simple JPA (also Super Simple EJB3) |
2007-04-12 | The absolute uri: http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application |
2007-02-15 | Unit Testing JPA (EJB3) Code With With an EntityListener. |
2007-02-07 | portalDatasource Used By JBoss Seam Portal Example |
2007-02-06 | Java Jar Files Used for JPA, PojoCache, and SEAM |
2007-02-05 | Database Sequences Needed for JBoss Portal & Oracle |
2006-12-22 | Using a Stored Procedure to Insert Records with Spring & Hibernate |
2006-12-22 | Per-User Connection Pooling for Spring, Hibernate and Oracle VPD (Virtual Private Database) |
2006-12-21 | Solving the "Second-level cache is not enabled" Exception |
2006-11-22 | pericentury |
2006-11-08 | Apache Derby & WS-Resources |
2006-10-31 | Embedded Tomcat 5.5.17 Eclipse Project |
2006-10-31 | Embedded Tomcat; Fixing the 'No Java Compiler available' error. |
2006-10-31 | Fixing the "No Java compiler available" Error When Running Embedded Tomcat |
2006-10-26 | Running HttpServerTestApp as an Eclipse Project |
2006-10-25 | Use CSS to Ensure Common Navigation HTML on Every Page |
2006-10-08 | Using Composite Object For Hash Key Better Than Concatenated String |
2006-10-08 | Using XML to Reduce Accidental Corruption |
2006-09-15 | Tar File With All Linux From Scratch Source Packages |
2006-06-29 | Spring; Hibernate; A Super Simple DAO Layer |
2006-06-28 | Postgresql; Connecting to PostgreSQL from a remote client. |
2006-06-28 | Ubuntu Disk Partition Sizes |
2006-06-28 | Spring; BeanStoreDefinitionException; Fix for 'Unexpected failure during bean definition parsing' |
2006-06-25 | Ubuntu, Oracle Installation: No response from /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure |
2006-06-19 | Spring; ApplicationContext, SqlUpdate: Configuring SqlUpdate Inside ApplicationContext. |
2006-06-01 | Segmentation Fault Caused by /dev/zero Not Being Writable. |
2006-04-23 | Getting Hibernate to Create Schema Creation SQL |
2006-04-12 | Spring, Fluent APIs, and BeanInfo |
2006-02-22 | Using IBMJCE Outside of Websphere |
2006-02-07 | Selenium IDE Rocks! |
2005-11-03 | Spring and RIFE; Creating Database Tables Together |
2005-11-01 | Using UUID Values With RIFE CreateTable |
2005-11-01 | Using RIFE CreateTable to Generate CREATE TABLE Sql |
2005-11-01 | ActiveMapper - Using UUID Values for Primary Keys |
2005-11-01 | ActiveMapper; Making Java DAO with Reflection and Spring |
2005-10-31 | ACEGI Tutorial: An Example of Method-based Access Control and JUnit for Testing |
2005-10-25 | ACEGI: An Example of When to Use AffirmativeBased (instead of UnanimousBased) Voting when Controlling Access to Methods |
2005-10-21 | How Do I Create a Private Bean Using ACEGI? |
2005-10-19 | NTEN One Day Conference - Answering the call - Lessons learned from the Global ICT responses |
2005-09-07 | Using a CustomEditorConfigurer to Specify a Lucene FSDirectory Using Spring |
2005-05-05 | Transaction Management Using Sonic XIS Server, Oracle, and Spring |
2005-04-27 | Getting Spring to Work Inside Sonic XIS XML Server |
2005-03-23 | World of Warcraft Website Uses Spring! |
2004-07-15 | Java - Writing a Custom Web Server to Interpolate Velocity Templates. |
2004-07-01 | Java; Using Flag Classes to Replace boolean values. |
2004-05-28 | Custom Ant Task to Execute SQL DDL Statements And Ignoring Certain Errors. |
2004-05-28 | Custom Ant Task to Throw BuildException if Specified Ant Property is Not Defined |
2004-05-28 | Custom Ant Task to Add Column To Oracle Database Table |
2004-05-28 | Documentation Error; Sonic XIS XML Database; Setting Address Size and Cache Size should be KB not MB. |
2004-04-27 | Java, JDBC - How to Handle Exceptions and Errors When Closing, or Freeing, Database Resources |
2004-04-26 | POI Optimization - eliminating trailing empty rows from an HSSFSheet. |
2004-04-22 | POI Optimization - Speeding up org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet.setPropertiesFromSheet() |
2004-04-22 | POI Optimization - Speeding up org.apache.poi.hssf.record.BlankRecord.compareTo() |
2004-04-22 | POI Optimization - Speeding up org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow.compareTo() |
2004-04-22 | Java; POI Optimization - Speeding up the RecordFactory class. |
2004-04-22 | Java; POI Optimization - Speeding up the RecordFactory class. |
2004-04-22 | Java; Caching Short Objects |
2004-04-21 | Catching Java Errors in the main() Method. |
2004-04-08 | Optimization for JudoScript: JavaObject.pickMethod is an expensive call. |
2004-04-08 | Optimization for JudoScript: JudoUtil.registerToBSF is an expensive method to call. |
2004-04-05 | Jprobe Analysis Reduces Execution Time by 5% |
2004-02-16 | An amazing phrase 'They asked for ammunition.' |
2004-02-05 | Connecting to Sonic XIS from Ant Custom Task Using Java |
2004-01-19 | Using External Jar Files In Your Custom Ant Task Classpath. |
2004-01-13 | Using Castor and Java to List XPATHs Defined in an XML Schema. |
2004-01-07 | java.lang.VerifyError & Sonic XIS Excelon |
2003-12-03 | Getting Text from an XML CDATA_SECTION_NODE in Java. |
2003-11-19 | Using JudoScript to Convert XML into Java HashMap. |
2003-10-22 | Reading XML Files Using XSLT |
2003-10-14 | Using synchronized in Java |
2003-10-03 | Creating an Ant Task with Eclipse |
2003-05-21 | A Simple Extensible Command-Line Interpreter in Java |
2003-05-10 | Bordeaux Trip |
2003-04-28 | Using Lucene for Role Based Access Control (or RBAC) |
2003-04-24 | Lucene; Enhancement; The PrecedenceQuery Class. |
2003-04-23 | Lucene; Bug; TestPhrasePrefixQuery in 2003.04.21 Build Has Misleading Code? |
2003-04-22 | Examples for All of Lucene's Query Classes. |
2003-04-21 | Erik Hatcher's Self-Contained Lucene Example |
2003-04-14 | Faceted Classification |
2003-03-31 | A ReadMe file for the Simplest Bean. |
2003-03-21 | CodeBit: The Simplest Possible EJB for JBoss? |
2003-03-11 | Online Book; Complete Text of 'Perl 5 by Example' |
2003-03-10 | A HelloWorldServlet Generater - You pick the Eclipse Project Name |
2003-03-08 | Example: Building an HelloWorld Servlet for Tomcat Using Eclipse |
2003-03-04 | Why Use UUID Values? |
2003-03-04 | What is Oracle's Mysterious MERGE Keyword for? |
2003-03-04 | Is using JDBC's Prepared Class really faster than the Statement Class? |
2003-03-04 | A Java Implementation of the Nested Tree Model |
2003-03-04 | Best Practice; Ant; Always Have a Versions Task |
2003-03-04 | A Reference Data Framework Using Java Data Objects (JDO) |
2003-03-04 | An Example of Object Persistence (or Prevalence) Using Prevayler |
2003-03-03 | How Can I Update All CPAN Perl Modules At Once? |
2003-03-03 | How to Demote a Domain Controller Using Microsoft Windows 2000? |
2003-03-03 | Sorting Arrays With Numbers Using Perl |
2003-03-03 | Reading a whole file into a scalar Using Perl |
2003-03-03 | How Do I Store Text in the Windows Clipboard Using JavaScript? |
2003-03-03 | How do I Reset the Root password of MySQL Using Linux? |
2003-03-03 | How do I Set the CLASSPATH Variable Using Linux? |
2003-03-03 | How to Redirect to New URL Using JavaScript? |
2003-03-02 | How Do I Load An Image and Determine Height and Width Using Java? |
2003-03-02 | How Can I Improve the I/O Speed for System.out.println Using Java? |
2003-03-01 | How to Find the Parent Frame of a Component Using Java |
2003-03-01 | Using Perl to Generate a Table of Contents for HTML Pages |
2003-03-01 | How to Reduce HTML Size Yet Still Use Long Style Names Using ColdFusion |
2003-03-01 | Making ColdFusion Modules More Secure |
2003-03-01 | How Do I Prevent a Page From Caching in the Browser Using ColdFusion? |
2003-03-01 | How Do I Clear a CachedWithin Query Using ColdFusion? |
2003-03-01 | How to Unset or Undefine Environment Variables Using Perl |
2003-03-01 | Using Perl to Process HTML Form Information |
2003-03-01 | Sorting Perl Hashes by Keys and by Values |
2003-03-01 | Using Hashes in Bash Scripts |
2003-02-06 | Java; Struts Validator; How to Create Standard Field Definitions in the Validation XML Files |
2003-02-06 | Java; Struts Validator; How to Create Field Groups in the Validation XML Files |
2003-01-24 | Ant; An Example of The Ant Condition Task |
2003-01-23 | Rational ClearCase; Java; a utlity to recursively add files to ClearCase. |
2003-01-13 | Pasting From MS Word Results in Weird Characters |
2003-01-10 | Toggling Background Color When Checkbox is Checked |
2003-01-10 | How to set the root cause when throwing an exception |
2003-01-09 | An Example Using NamingEnumeration to Find JBOSS JNDI Names |
2002-12-14 | Distributing Proofreading for Project Gutenberg |
2002-12-09 | CFMX and Java Servlet Integration |
2002-11-30 | Compiling the Jakarta Validator in Eclipse |
2002-06-03 | How to Delete Duplicate Records Using Oracle's Rank Function |
2001-12-14 | How to Find and Execute All JUnit Tests in a Directory Hierarchy |
2001-11-29 | JudoScript - a Dynamic Form of Java |
2001-11-28 | How to Parse XML Using Oracle And PLSQL |
2001-11-19 | Unspsc Codes Are Four Sets Of Two |
2001-11-16 | Java JDBC Metadata Holds Query Column Names |
2001-11-15 | More Time Studies Today Using Jdbc To |
2001-11-14 | Java Oracle Stored Procedure Processing XML |
2001-11-14 | Sql To Find Number Of Potential Open |
2001-11-13 | Spent Two Hours At Northern Virginia |
2001-11-13 | My First Entry |