Provisioning SonarQube With CloudFormation
Provisioning SonarQube typically takes a few manual steps after the software itself is installed. For example, you need to change the default password and generate a token.
The process shown below uses the internal database so needs to be modified so large scale use. However, if you just have a few projects, this approach should be fine.
As always, please adjust the files to your situation. Pay special attention to the parameters in the CloudFormation template.
The project is located at You’ll find the CloudFormation yaml file there.
In this post, I want to show the script I use to wrap around the CloudFormation script. Some things are done first. And some afterward.
- Before
- Generate random password.
- Save password to Parameter Store.
- Execute the CloudFormation stack.
- After
- Get IP of SonarQube server.
- Wait for server to respond to API request.
- Wait until server is no longer STARTING.
- Verify server is responding with UP.
- Get password from Parameter Store.
- Change the default password.
- Get a sonar token.
- Save token in Parameter Store.
Below is the shell script that implements the above steps.
if [ -z $REGION_NAME ]; then
echo "Set REGION_NAME"
exit 1
echo "Saving random password to Parameter Store"
echo "$(date)" > floop.tmp
RPASSWORD=\$(sha256sum floop.tmp)
rm floop.tmp
aws ssm put-parameter \
--name sonar-password \
--value ${RPASSWORD} \
--type String \
echo "Sonar started."
aws cloudformation deploy \
--stack-name "sonar" \
--region $REGION_NAME \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--template-file sonar.yaml
echo "Getting IP address of SonarQube server."
HOST_SONAR=$(aws cloudformation list-exports \
--query "Exports[?Name==\`sonar:PublicIp\`].Value" \
--output text)
if [ -z ${HOST_SONAR} ]; then
echo "ERROR: Missing CloudFormat export: sonar:PublicIp";
echo "Waiting for SonarQube to start."
# I tried using the healthcheck url but it started to return the
# empty string even when I knew the server was running. I switched
# to the system status.
STATUS=$(curl --silent -u admin:admin --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 2 http://${HOST_SONAR}:9000/api/system/status | jq -r '.status')
while [ "${STATUS}x" == "x" ]; do
echo -n "."
sleep 10
STATUS=$(curl --silent -u admin:admin --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 2 http://${HOST_SONAR}:9000/api/system/status | jq -r '.status')
echo ""
echo "Waiting for SonarQube to finish starting, after 10 second delay."
STATUS=$(curl --silent -u admin:admin --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 2 http://${HOST_SONAR}:9000/api/system/status | jq -r '.status')
while [ "${STATUS}x" == "STARTINGx" ]; do
echo -n "."
sleep 10
STATUS=$(curl --silent -u admin:admin --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 2 http://${HOST_SONAR}:9000/api/system/status | jq -r '.status')
echo ""
echo "Verifying that SonarQube is UP, after 2 second delay."
sleep 2
STATUS=$(curl --silent -u admin:admin --connect-timeout 2 --max-time 2 http://${HOST_SONAR}:9000/api/system/status | jq -r '.status')
echo "s3: $STATUS"
if [ "$STATUS" != "UP" ]; then
echo "ERROR: SonarQube is not UP. System status was ${STATUS}";
echo "Getting new password from Parameter Store."
RPASSWORD=$(aws ssm get-parameter \
--name sonar-password \
--query 'Parameter.Value' \
--output text 2>/dev/null)
if [ -z ${RPASSWORD} ]; then
echo "ERROR: Missing value Parameter Store: sonar-password";
echo "Changing Sonar default password."
curl -X POST \
-u admin:admin \
-d "login=admin&password=${RPASSWORD}&previousPassword=admin" \
echo "Getting Sonar token."
TOKEN=$(curl \
--silent \
-u admin:${RPASSWORD} \
-d "name=sonar" \
http://${HOST_SONAR}:9000/api/user_tokens/generate \
| jq -r '.token')
echo "Saving Sonar token to Parameter Store."
aws ssm put-parameter \
--name sonar-token \
--value $TOKEN \
--type String \
--overwrite > /dev/null