I am seeing the following message in my Ingress Nginx Controller logs. The message has been elided so it is easier to read.

E0823 .../reflector.go:125: Failed to watch *v1.Endpoints: Get "<API URL>":
  dial tcp connect: connection refused

Here is the full API URL. Notice that the IP address is not internet addressable. The second line removes the host name from the string. We’ll add the controller information later.

API_URL=$(echo $API_URL | cut -d'/' -f4-)

The E8023 error does not provide much information. I know that corresponds to my controller node. And I know that the Ingress Nginx Controller is running on my worker node.

NOTE This cluster has just one controller and one worker node.

  • Set the namespace and service account of the pod.
  • Get the service account’s token secret’s name. This will look like ingress-nginx-token-sc7dw.
SECRET=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get serviceaccount ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} -o json | jq -Mr '.secrets[].name | select(contains("token"))')
  • Get the bearer token from the secret and decode it. This is a 941 character string. It looks like eyJhbGc...48AzXRQ.
TOKEN=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get secret ${SECRET} -o json | jq -Mr '.data.token' | base64 -d)
  • Make a local copy of the certificate authority file by the secret.
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get secret ${SECRET} -o json | jq -Mr '.data["ca.crt"]' | base64 -d > /tmp/ca.crt
  • Get the hostname of the API server. There are several ways to accomplish this. I choose to use the cluster-info command. The only tricky part to this techique is there are non-visible characters around the host name that need to be removed. That’s what the cut and rev commands are doing.
APISERVER=$(kubectl cluster-info  | head -n 1 | awk '{print $6}' | cut -b16- | rev | cut -b10- | rev)
echo "[$APISERVER]"
  • Run the API call that caused the original error.
curl https://$APISERVER:6443/$API_URL --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --cacert /tmp/ca.crt
{"type":"ERROR","object":{..."message":"too old resource version: 5840136 (5856237)","reason":"Expired","code":410}}

This was not an expected outcome. Looking closer at the URL being fetched shows:


I think that should be


Here is the result of that change.

curl https://$APISERVER:6443/openapi/v1/endpoints --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --cacert /tmp/ca.crt
  "paths": [