Running PostgreSQL on Docker Swarm 1.12
For this example, I am using a five node Docker Swarm cluster running on VirtualBox. At this start, I assume the swarm is running and that the swarm master is called pi1.
NOTE: The name ‘pi1’ has no relevance. It can be anything. Just change the references to your name.
- See the swarm running.
eval $(docker-machine env pi1)
docker node ls
- Start the postgres service.
eval $(docker-machine env pi1)
docker service create \
--env POSTGRES_DB=ckan \
--env POSTGRES_USER=ckan \
--publish 5432:5432 \
--name postgres \
- Run a command-line client from outside of the swarm.
eval $(docker-machine env --unset)
docker run \
--add-host postgres:$(docker-machine ip pi1) \
--env PGPASSWORD=ckan \
-it \
--rm \
postgres:9.5 \
psql -h postgres -U ckan
- Use the client.
Do whatever is needed at the postgres command-line and then type ‘\q’ to exit.
- Stop the service.
eval $(docker-machine env pi1)
docker service rm postgres
eval $(docker-machine env --unset)