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06/28/2006: Ubuntu Disk Partition Sizes

Various documentation that I read said that the root of Ubuntu needed less than 200Mb. However, I’ve found that not to be true.

In my situation, I ran out of disk space. So I’ve bumped the root partition to 500Mb. On my 80Gb drive, Here are my partition sizes:

medined@thog:~$ df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1               481764    282766    173296  63% /
/dev/hda8             51675672    923812  48126844   2% /data
/dev/hda5              3099260   1593760   1348068  55% /usr
/dev/hda7             10317828    556548   9237164   6% /usr/local
/dev/hda6             10317828    337728   9455984   4% /var

I also have a 1,000Gb swap - mainly because when I tried to install Oracle it asked for a 750Mb swap file.

UPDATE: One mistake (there are probably others) that I made was that the /tmp path needs a lot of room because that is where installation place files. So two choices - either give the root partition another couple of gigabytes just for software installation. Or give /tmp its own 2Gb partition. Or, as I am doing, constantly tell each installation process to place temp files in a /data/tmp (or whatever) directory.

06/28/2006: Spring; BeanStoreDefinitionException; Fix for 'Unexpected failure during bean definition parsing'

While working to get one of my projects working under Ubunu Linux which was working under Windows, I ran into the following error:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Error ' element

for property 'location' is only allowed to contain either 'ref' attribute OR 'value'
attribute OR sub-element' in resource'class path resource [applicationContext.xml]'
at: Bean 'propertyConfigurer'</pre>

The error was definitely wrong since the XML file hadn't changed between the two OSes.

The problem was that I was using GNU's Java v1.4 instead of Sun's Java v1.5. I don't know if it was GNU vs Sun or v1.4 vs v1.5 that was the real problem. But switching to Sun Java v1.5 made Spring work which is good enough for me.

Oh... one quick note. Don't simply copy your Windows JDK directory to Linux and expect it to work. Download the Linux version from Javasoft. I installed mine to /usr/local.