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10/31/2006: Fixing the "No Java compiler available" Error When Running Embedded Tomcat

I created an Eclipse project which runs an embedded version of Tomcat. More about that in a future post. I ran into the following message when I tried to serve a JSP page: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Java compiler available

I downloaded the Tomcat source (gotta love open source!) and found the following lines of code:

  jspCompiler = null;
  if (options.getCompiler() == null) {
    jspCompiler = createCompiler("org.apache.jasper.compiler.JDTCompiler");
    if (jspCompiler == null) {
      jspCompiler = createCompiler("org.apache.jasper.compiler.AntCompiler");

I did a little digging and found that several jar files where not in my classpath:

jasper-compiler.jar jasper-compiler-jdt.jar

10/26/2006: Running HttpServerTestApp as an Eclipse Project

I’ve been trying to get the apache-httpd example of Apache’s MUSE project to run. Since I like using Eclipse, I created an Eclipse project to run the HttpServerTestApp application. It took quite awhile to find all of the needed Jar files.

To save you time, here is the list:<ul> <li>apache-httpd.jar <li>muse-core-2.0.0.jar <li>muse-util-2.0.0.jar <li>muse-util-xml-2.0.0.jar <li>muse-util-xstream-2.0.0.jar <li>muse-wsa-soap-2.0.0.jar <li>muse-wsrf-api-2.0.0.jar <li>muse-wsrf-impl-2.0.0.jar <li>xercesImpl-2.8.1.jar <li>xstream-1.1.2.jar </ul>