04/22/2008: How to Format Dates in Ruby & Rails
I have seen several techniques used to format dates in blogs and forums threads. This is the technique that worked for me.
- Create a file called
with the following contents:ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge!( :date => '%m/%d/%Y', :date_time12 => "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%p", :date_time24 => "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M" )
- Set the date variable:
@cacheExpiresAt = 10.minutes.ago
- Format the date:
<%= @cacheExpiresAt.to_s(:date_time12) %>
parameter to the to_s
method simply chooses the formatting from the DATE_FORMATS
hash. This technique lets you centralize all date formatting in your application.
04/18/2008: Workaround For Minor Hibernate Bug - Blank hibernate.default_schema Property Adds Period
We are using the hibernate.default_schema property with Oracle in production. Today I tried to use HSQL for our integration tests. When I blanked the hibernate.default_schema property, Hibernate tried to create tables named like '.FOO' - notice that pesky leading period!
You can workaround this issue for HSQL by setting hibernate.default_schema to 'sa'.