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09/29/2008: Advanced Rails Recipes - Chapter Two - The missing copy method.

I am reading through the Advanced Rails Recipes book. In chapter two, it refers to an Event.copy method which is not shown in the book. Shown below is the missing method from app/models/event.rb.

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base

  def self.copy(other)
    self.new(other.attributes.merge(:name => "Copy of #{other.name}"))


07/20/2008: JBoss Drools CLASSPATH Error; The Eclipse JDT Core jar is not in the classpath

JBoss Rules v4.0.7 is incompatible with Eclipse v3.3 or higher. However there is a simple workaround. Run the following commands:
export ECLIPSE_PLUGINS=/home/medined/Desktop/eclipse-3.4/plugins
ln -s