10/05/2008: RCOV - Covering unit, integration, and functional testing in one analysis.
Add the following code into a file called lib/tasks/rcov.rake
. Notice that I used the find
to gather the relevant tests then the xargs
to form them into a nice line which can be added to the rcov
namespace :test do desc 'Tracks test coverage with rcov' task :coverage => :environment do rm_f "coverage" rm_f "coverage.data" rcov = "rcov --sort coverage --rails --aggregate coverage.data --text-summary -Ilib -Itest -T -x gem/*,rcov*" files = `find . -name *_test.rb | xargs` rcov = "#{rcov} " + files puts rcov system rcov system("firefox coverage/index.html") end end
The new rake command can be executed using rake test:coverage
09/29/2008: Advanced Rails Recipes - Chapter Two - The missing copy method.
I am reading through the Advanced Rails Recipes book. In chapter two, it refers to an Event.copy
method which is not shown in the book. Shown below is the missing method from app/models/event.rb
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base def self.copy(other) self.new(other.attributes.merge(:name => "Copy of #{other.name}")) end end