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11/30/2009: Plug A Security Hole in RubyGems By Mailing Ruby Install Dir ReadOnly!

When creating a Ruby gem, developers can specify a list of executable files. These executives are copied into the same directory where the Ruby binary is located. While very convenient, it opens a huge security hole.

It would be fairly easy for someone to provide an alternate version of the Ruby executable.

If possible, write-protect your ruby install directory to prevent this avenue of attack. If you run Windows and are paranoid, backup the Ruby install directory so you have something for future comparison.

11/22/2009: How to Resolve Heroku's 'not authorized to access newname' Git error.

How to Resolve Heroku's 'not authorized to access newname' Git error. When you see the 'not authorized to access newname' error, it probably. means that your Git configuration is incorrect. For example, my .git/config file had the following:
 repositoryformatversion = 0
 filemode = true
 bare = false
 logallrefupdates = true
[remote "heroku"]
 url = git@heroku.com:newname.git
 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*
Notice the highlighted words. Just change newname to the actual project name and you should be fixed.