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06/28/2010: Alastrina - a gem to push model changes to twitter

Alastrina - a gem to push model changes to twitter

http://github.com/medined/alastrina - the gem

http://github.com/medined/alastrina_demo - a demo application

http://twitter.com/Alastrina_gem - the result

I was doodling in code this weekend and the result is a small gem that hooks into the after_save callback to send model changes to a Twitter account.

Make sure you install the Twitter gem. Then in the demo app, update the config/alastrina.yml file with your Twitter credentials. Open a console and do:

a = Place.new
a.name = "GGG"

And, presto, the model changes should be posted to your Twitter feed.

06/21/2010: Connecting acts_as_solr and cucumber (resolving the whiny_nil error)

When I installed cucumber into my application and ran 'cucumber' I got an error that said "undefined method 'symbolize_keys' for nil:nilclass". This message happened because acts_as_solr tried to load a 'cucumber' environment from config/solr.yml and was unable to find it.