01/13/2003: Pasting From MS Word Results in Weird Characters
Pasting From MS Word Results in Weird Characters
The following fixes the problem for the ColdFusion server (from Cameron Childress). Add these lines to the application.cfm:
<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="iso-8859-1"> <cfset setEncoding("form","iso-8859-1")> <cfset setEncoding("URL","iso-8859-1")> <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
01/10/2003: Toggling Background Color When Checkbox is Checked
Toggling Background Color When Checkbox is Checked
<script language="javascript"> function toggleRowColor(cb, row) { if (navigator.appName != "Netscape") { if (cb.checked == true) { eval("top.row" + row + ".style.background = '#d1e6f9';"); } else { eval("top.row" + row + ".style.background = '#ffffff';"); } } } </script> <tr id="row2" bgcolor="#ffffff"><td> <input type="checkbox" name='senderid' value='931904' onclick="toggleRowColor(this, 2)"> </td></tr>