2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020

01/24/2003: Ant; An Example of The Ant Condition Task

I needed to test the condition code returned by stopping the Apache service so that I could delete the log files.

I settled on the following script:

  <property name="apache.service"    value="Apache" />
  <property name="sleep.in.seconds"  value="4" />

  <target name="shutdown_apache" description="stops the Apache service.">
    <exec executable="c:/WINNT/system32/net.exe" resultproperty="apache.stop.resultproperty" outputproperty="apache.stop.outputproperty">
      <arg value="stop" />
      <arg value="${apache.service}" />
    <condition property="apache.not.stopped">
      <equals arg1="${apache.stop.resultproperty}" arg2="2" />
    <antcall target="sleep_apache_stop" />

  <target name="sleep_apache_stop" unless="apache.not.stopped">
    <echo>Sleeping for ${sleep.in.seconds} seconds.</echo>
    <sleep seconds="${sleep.in.seconds}" />

01/23/2003: Rational ClearCase; Java; a utlity to recursively add files to ClearCase.

The inability to add entire directories to ClearCase annoyed me endlessly. I didn’t know about the clearfsimport command.

And even if I did, I might have written my own utility just for fun. In either case, the code below performs the task. The underlying interaction with ClearCase is handled by the http://sourceforge.net/projects/clearcase-java/ project. If you need to use the ClearcaseCLI class instead of ClearcaseJNI then simply change the import line and the start method. Have Fun!

package com.cordiem.clearcase;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.sourceforge.clearcase.api.IClearcase;
import net.sourceforge.clearcase.api.IClearcase.Status;
import net.sourceforge.clearcase.simple.ClearcaseJNI;

 * @author david medinets
public class AddToClearCase {

	String dirName  = null;
	IClearcase ccase = null;

	public AddToClearCase() { }
	public AddToClearCase(String dirName) { setDirName(dirName); }

	private class FilterAllFiles extends Object implements FilenameFilter {
		public FilterAllFiles() { }

		public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
			return true;

	public void start() {
		ccase = new ClearcaseJNI();

		/* Convert the directory hierarchy into a
		 * stack so that it can be easily traversed.
		File f = new File(getDirName());
		Stack s = new Stack();
		do {
			f = f.getParentFile();
		} while (f != null);

		 * Try to check on all levels of the directory
		 * hierarchy. If one of them can be checked in
		 * then I assume that it's ok to add files to
		 * this tree.
		boolean checkedIn = false;
		do {
			f = (File)s.pop();
			if (ccase.isElement(f.toString()) == false) {
				checkedIn = CheckoutFromClearCase(f);
			} else {
				if (ccase.isElement(f.toString()) == true && ccase.isCheckedOut(f.toString()) == true) {
					checkedIn = true;
				} else {
					checkedIn = CheckoutFromClearCase(f);
		} while (s.empty() == false);


	private void addToClearCase(File f) {
		if (false == ccase.isElement(f.toString())) {
			System.out.println("adding: " + f.toString());
			Status status = ccase.add(f.toString(), "", f.isDirectory());
			if (status.status == false)
				System.out.println("m: " + status.message);

	private boolean CheckoutFromClearCase(File f) {
		boolean rv = false;
		if (ccase.isElement(f.toString()) == true && ccase.isCheckedOut(f.toString()) == false) {
			System.out.println("checking out: " + f.toString());
			Status status  = ccase.checkout(f.toString(), "", true, false);
			if (status.status == false)
				System.out.println("m: " + status.message);
				rv = true;
		return rv;

	private void CheckinToClearCase(File f) {
		if (ccase.isElement(f.toString()) == true && ccase.isCheckedOut(f.toString()) == true) {
			System.out.println("checking in: " + f.toString());
			Status status  = ccase.checkin(f.toString(), "", false);
			if (status.status == false)
				System.out.println("m: " + status.message);

	// Check the directory hierarchy back into ClearCase.
	public void stop() {
		/* Convert the directory hierarchy into a
		 * stack so that it can be easily traversed.
		File f = new File(getDirName());
		do {
			f = f.getParentFile();
		} while (f != null);


	public void process() {
		process(new File(getDirName()));

	public void process(File path) {

		if (path.isDirectory() == true)

		String[] sDirs = path.list(new FilterAllFiles());
		if (sDirs != null) {
			for (int i = 0; i < sDirs.length; i++) {
				File newPath = new File(path.toString() + "/" + sDirs[i]);
				if (true == newPath.isDirectory()) {
					// recurse to handle subdirectories.

				// The JNI interaction with ClearCase leaves files checked out
				// after adding. And the directory also is checked out. So
				// regardless, the element needs to be checked in at this point.


	public static void main(String[] args) {
		if (args.length != 1) {
			System.out.println("Usage: AddToClearCase [initialDir]");
		} else {
			System.out.println("Processing directory [" + args[0] + "]");
			AddToClearCase c = new AddToClearCase(args[0]);

	public String getDirName() { return dirName; }
	public void setDirName(String dirName) { this.dirName = dirName; }
	public void setCcase(IClearcase ccase) { this.ccase = ccase; }