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03/01/2003: How Do I Clear a CachedWithin Query Using ColdFusion?

How Do I Clear a CachedWithin Query Using ColdFusion?

If you use a dynamic timespan instead of a fixed timespan, you can clear the cache by setting the timespan to zero when the query is executed.

<cfif url.clear_cache eq 1>
    <cfset time_span = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,0)>
    <cfset time_span = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,30,0)>

<cfquery ... cachedwithin="#time_span#">
   ... do some sql here.

03/01/2003: How to Unset or Undefine Environment Variables Using Perl

How to Unset or Undefine Environment Variables Using Perl

Environment variables are stored as entries in the %ENV hash. Therefore you can use the delete() function to unset them. Sometimes unsetting environment variables is usefull to control the environment of a child process.