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03/03/2003: How do I Set the CLASSPATH Variable Using Linux?

How do I Set the CLASSPATH Variable Using Linux?

Create a file called /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh and fill it with this:

  if [ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ] ; then
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk116
  if [ -z "${JDK_HOME}" ] ; then
    export JDK_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk116
  SW=`cat /etc/profile.d/java`
  SW=`echo ${SW}  | sed -e "s/ /:/g"`
  export CLASSPATH="${MYPATH}"
  echo ":${PATH}:"| grep "${MYPATH}" >/dev/null ||\

  export PATH
  unset SW MYPATH

Create a file called /etc/profile.d/javaM and fill it with a list of directories, jars, and zips.

03/03/2003: How to Redirect to New URL Using JavaScript?

How to Redirect to New URL Using JavaScript?

This example shows how to redirect a web browser to another page. The JavaScript performs a countdown of the number of seconds left before the redirection is performed.

  <TITLE>"Some Page" has moved!</TITLE>
  <META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=6;URL=http://www.codebits.com/>
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
    function countdown() {
      if ( document.myform.count.value > 0 ) {
        document.myform.count.value = document.myform.count.value-1;
        setTimeout("countdown()", 1000);
  <BODY><H1>"Some Page" has Moved!</H1>
  The new address is:
  <A HREF="http://www.codebits.com/" TARGET=_top>http://www.codebits.com</A>.
  <P><FORM NAME=myform>
  You will be redirected to the above page in
  <INPUT NAME="count" SIZE="1" value="6"> secs.....)</FORM>
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">