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03/04/2003: What is Oracle's Mysterious MERGE Keyword for?

Oracle 9i supports a new SQL statement called MERGE. It's fully documented but let me provide an example that I've just been working on.

The advantage of MERGE is that a single SQL statement handles two cases:

  • INSERT if the record doesn't exist.
  • UPDATE if the record exists.

The intended use of MERGE was to modify one database table based on another table (or view). However, through a little creativity we can use MERGE for more mundane tasks - like the standard administrative Add/Edit a single-record functions.

The following SQL shows how to use the MERGE statement to insert or update a single record.

	dr_fulltext A
	(select 'Test41' u_object, 'EN-US' u_locale from dual) B
	(A.u_object = B.u_object AND A.u_locale = B.u_locale)
	UPDATE SET A.keywords = '33333333333'
	    A.u_object, A.u_locale, A.keywords
	) values (
	    'Test41', 'EN-US', '222222'

Since the Merge clause is designed for getting information from a table I needed to finagle the USING class in order to create what is essentially a virtual table of one record. The ON clause checks to see if that single record (from the B table) exists in the A table. If it doesn't exist the INSERT statement is run. If it does, then the UPDATE statement is run.

The parentheses around the ON clause seem to be critical but I don't know why. If the parentheses are left off, then an "ORA-00969: missing ON keyword" error results.

The alias names in the UPDATE and INSERT are logically not needed, but Oracle demands clarity because the Keywords field is used twice. If the alias name (A) is not supplied Oracle responds with an "ORA-00957: duplicate column name" error.

03/04/2003: Is using JDBC's Prepared Class really faster than the Statement Class?

Most of my reading about JDBC indicated that we should use the PreparedStatement class to take advantage of bind variables and pre-compilation of SQL. However, one article said that using the Statement class was better because of how vendors implement the JDBC drivers. So, of couse, I felt compelled to perform my own timing tests.

NOTE: I used the OracleConnectionPoolDataSource class to connect to Oracle9i for these tests.

I executed the following simple select statement 1,000 times with both classes. Of course, when using the PreparedStatement, the string literal was replaced by a bind variable.

  select uuid, display_name, description from dr_locales where uuid = 'EN-US'

The example using the statement class took 3,564 milliseconds to run. While the PreparedStatement example took 2,594 seconds to run.

Of course, I dug a little deeper. How much overhead is involved in instantiating the two classes? In order to answer, I placed the object instantation inside the loop:

                      InsideLoop     OutsideLoop
   Statement:         3,915          3,564
   PreparedStatement: 4,486          2,594 <-- best elapsed time.

The following figure shows the relationships graphically.

A rehash of the text table.

This test shows that it really pays to reuse PreparedStatement objects.

The last question I tried to answer in my tests was; Which class is better if no bind variables are used?

   Statement:         4,636
   PreparedStatement: 3,445

So, my empiric results agree with my common sense and the majority of the literature that I've read.

It seems that the PreparedStatement class should be used in all cases.