In order to run unit tests involving encryption, I needed to compile my code with the same JCE providers available inside Websphere.

The IBMJCE Java classes are located in [install_dir]\java\jre\lib\ext\ibmjceprovider.jar. However those classes have a dependency on References on the internet indicated that the Debug class was located in ibmpkcs.jar but I did not have such a file on my computer.

I found the Debug class in [install_dir]\java\jre\lib\security.jar. In order to find out which jar file contained the needed class, I modified the startserver.bat file by adding '-verbose:class' to the Java command line. Additionally, I installed the 4NT utility from which allowed me to redirect the console output to a file which I examined to find the following line:

  [Loaded from .....\security.jar]

Since the was the package I was interested in I unziped security.jar to see if it contained the Debug class. It did!