Ant; An Example of The Ant Condition Task
I needed to test the condition code returned by stopping the Apache service so that I could delete the log files.
I settled on the following script:
<property name="apache.service" value="Apache" /> <property name="" value="4" /> <target name="shutdown_apache" description="stops the Apache service."> <exec executable="c:/WINNT/system32/net.exe" resultproperty="apache.stop.resultproperty" outputproperty="apache.stop.outputproperty"> <arg value="stop" /> <arg value="${apache.service}" /> </exec> <condition property="apache.not.stopped"> <equals arg1="${apache.stop.resultproperty}" arg2="2" /> </condition> <antcall target="sleep_apache_stop" /> </target> <target name="sleep_apache_stop" unless="apache.not.stopped"> <echo>Sleeping for ${} seconds.</echo> <sleep seconds="${}" /> </target>